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Elementary School

Watercolor Lesson / "Comic Book Cover"


Students brainstormed a short story and a title for their own comic book covers. Students analyzed examples of old and current comic books. They used watercolor and sharpie to sketch the design of their comic book covers. The goal of this lesson was to help students understand that color, composition, and text communicate a story or a visual message.

Watercolor Lesson / "Treehouse"


Students explored the concept of an imaginary treehouse. Students analyzed drawings of treehouses made by illustrators and their experiences of witnessing a treehouse. They used watercolor and sharpie to sketch the imaginary treehouse and set the tone of the place. The goal of this lesson was to help students understand that their ideas can grow and expand through the exploration of colors and their experiences.

Oil Pastel Lesson / "Person and Place"


Students explored color as a way of expressing emotion using oil pastels. Students analyzed Edward Munch’s paintings and impressionist artists for inspirational purpose and applied layering and blending techniques in their works. The goal of this lesson was to help students understand that their ideas can grow and expand through the exploration of colors and observations of artworks.

Printmaking Lesson / "My Objects"

Students learned how to create thumbnails to organize their thoughts while thinking about objects that represent or symbolize something that they like (favorite fruit, drink, hobby, place). The goal of this lesson was to help students understand that the objects they find in their daily lives can be used as a form of expression in art. They looked at pop artists such as Andy Warhol to grasp the idea of repetition and image. Students gained technical skills in printmaking by drawing their object image on tracing paper and transferring it on printing foam pressing gently with their pencils. They made two to three colored prints in order to create a well-inked image.  

Mixed Media / "A Cup of Tea with.."


Students created a teapot or a teacup using tape and tempera paint on watercolor paper. Students learned the concept of layering and overlapping the tape as a process. They looked at Kara Walker's work, tape artists, and several Victorian teapots/teacups to get inspired by the way artists have used tape to create simple shapes or intricate designs. In the last stage of their work in progress, students peeled off the tapes inside the form of the teacup/teapot to realize the positive and negative space (painted in acrylic neon paint) in the final composition. 

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